SISU Kids’ Vitamin D 1000 IU Strawberry Banana, 90 tabs

SISU Kids’ Vitamin D 1000 IU Strawberry Banana, 90 tabs


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High-dosage Vitamin D; Each chewable tablet contains 1000 IU of vitamin D, the recommended daily maximum for childrenand infants.

Bone & Teeth Maintenance; Essential for growing children, these tablets provide the maximum amount of vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption which helps support bone density.

Kids’ Health Benefits; Current research shows vitamin D may have additional health benefits for children such as supporting the immune system and helping prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Well Researched; Specially formulated using vitamin D3 derived from lanolin found in sheep’s wool which is the most-researched form available.

Delicious Formula; Perfect for kids, these great-tasting, chewable vitamin D3 tablets have a natural strawberry-banana flavour made with all-natural sweeteners.


  • Vitamin D (vitamin D3)
    equivalent to 1,000 IU of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) activity
    25 mcg

Other ingredients

  • Compressible sugar, D-fructose, xylitol, microcrystalline cellulose, DL-malic acid, natural strawberry flavour, natural banana flavour, silicon dioxide, stearic acid (vegetable), magnesium stearate (vegetable), citric acid


  • Children and adolescents (ages 3–18 years): Take 1 tablet one time per day or as directed by a health care practitioner

Contains no

  • Dairy, wheat, gluten, artificial flavours, or artificial sweeteners


Always read the label for full list of cautions and warnings. Please consult a health care practitioner before use.

Keep out of reach of children.

Safety sealed with printed inner seal. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. Keep tightly closed. Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

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